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history and geography造句

"history and geography"是什么意思  
  • You can branch into the field of history and geography
  • China ' s borderland history and geography studies
  • A review on wei yuan ' s study on the history and geography of china ' s borderland
  • Researches on borderland history and geography , and the ethno - national problems
  • On he qiu - tao ' s study of the borderland history and geography - a case study of suofangbeicheng
  • A summary to the third academic conference on china ' s borderland history and geography
  • Researches on the history and geography of china ' s northwestern part facing the 21st century
  • I know a lot about history and geography and different culture and costoms
  • Looking back and ahead over studies of china ' s borderland history and geography at the turn of the centuries
  • A student will be the host to have a mini presentation of canadian history and geography
  • It's difficult to see history and geography in a sentence. 用history and geography造句挺难的
  • These readers make chinese culture , history and geography more accessible to all people
  • The compilation of local records and the education of local history and geography in jiangsu province during late qing dynasty
  • Our focus the centre s focus will be areas in which cuhk excels by virtue of its history and geography
  • The status of a city s trees is to a large extent the product of its urban history and geography
  • Abstract : constrained by history and geography , the scope of comparative poetics is always at a fluid state with refreshing approaches
  • The cultural difference owing to the different history and geography between the east and west is also reflected in the differences of poems
  • The ugandan curriculum , which remains faithful to the one inherited from the british , opens out more to the world , with a focus on history and geography
  • Because of the reason of the history and geography , yunnan became to take kunming as the heart , with tengchong , ruiyi , yingjiang mengshi etc . for the jewelry and jade commercial center that rely on
  • In the audio visual room , there are 10 booths for individual use . included are video tapes , vcds , cassettes , and cds related to culture and education , history and geography , music and art , speeches and lectures
  • Based on the previous studies , this article , in view of the different ideas about mountain and sea classics , does a comparative study in terms of the content , language and archeological data , concludes that the version in basu diagram language was completed between the early years of the zhou dynasty and the mid of the warring states , and the huawen version was composed by the noble descendents of chu based on a combination of synthesized diagram language , oral spreading , the local mythology , and the knowledge of overseas history and geography of the people at central plain
    摘要这里在前人研究成果的基础之上,从对历代学者有关《山海经》的不同看法中,就《山海经》的内容(山川、乐园、主神) 、语言特点与考古资料进行了比较研究,最后得出结论: 《山海经》巴蜀图语本成书于西周前期,战国初中期,华文本《山海经》由定居蜀地的楚国贵族后裔综合图语本、口头流传,再加人楚地神话以及中原、海外历史地理知识编写而成。
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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